District AIDS Prevention and Control Unit (DAPCU)
Introduction of NACP
As a major structural reform, the management of HIV prevention and control programme was decentralized to district level during the third phase (2007-12) of National AIDS Control Programme-III in the years 2008-09. Using the HIV Sentinel Surveillance data (2004-2006), all the districts in the country were divided into four categories (Category A, B, C and D) based on the disease burden. As per this, there were 156 Category A and 39 Category B districts (total 195 districts) across the country (22 states) that required priority attention. National AIDS Control organization (NACO) established DAPCUs in 188 of the 195 districts to provide programmatic oversight through decentralized facilitation, monitoring and coordination of HIV/AIDS programme activities in the district. Ariyalur district low prevalence of HIV (“C” category).
DAPCU Administration
- Review monthly district dashboard indicators to facilities of ICTC ,DSRC ,ART, BB,DIC/CSC
- Convene quarterly DAPCC meetings. Facilitate mainstreaming of HIV in Line departments.
- Facilitate PLHIV and HRG access to social benefit schemes through DAPCUs.
- Support troubleshooting for programme implementation of NACP at the facility/district level.
- Leverage resources for district specific activities of prevention, care, support and treatment services of HIV/AIDS.
Social Benefit Schemes (SBS)
In order to provide social security to disadvantaged citizens, the State and Central Governments have initiated various schemes. Many PLHIV and HRG require such support and are also eligible for it. However, factors like inadequate mechanisms to disseminate information, lack of single window approach and low literacy levels of the intended recipients limit smooth access. The DAPCUs are expected to play a critical role of facilitating PLHIV and HRG access to social benefit schemes.
IEC and Campaigns /RRC
The DAPCU team is expected to conduct district specific campaigns in coordination with the line departments. • Coordinate for condom promotion campaign in identified areas / key villages and RRC colleges with the support of district health authorities and other line department along with programme partners / components. • Coordinate service demand generation campaign for ICTC, STI, HIV and TB involving health and other line departments (http://nacoonline.org/Quick_Links/DAPCU). • Work with the tribal department wherever present to address HIV related issues in the campaigns organized by Integrated Tribal Development Agency (ITDA).
ICTC (Integrated Counseling and Testing Centre)
The Integrated Counselling & Testing Centre (ICTC) is a gateway, entry point for a host of HIV/AIDS related services in prevention & care. In Ariyalur District are 10 centers that offer counselling and testing services. TANSACS is supporting 1 Stand-Alone ICTCs in Medical College Hospitals, District Headquarters Hospitals 1 no and Government Hospitals 3. SA-ICTCs are supported by NRHM at block level Community Health Centers. 6 Primary Health Centers, Facility ICTC at additional PHC 30 In private Hospital 3 providing counselling and testing services.
In Ariyalur district 10 ICTCs – Integrated Counseling and Testing Centers functioned in 6 Blocks. (Ariyalur, Andimadam, Jayankondam, Sendurai, T. Palur & Udaiyarpalayam)
- Medical College Hospital – Ariyalur
- Taluk Hospitals – Sendurai, Jayankondam, Udaiyarpalayam
- Block PHC/CHC – Andimadam, Kadugur, Kumizhiyam, Meensurity, Thirumanur & T. Palur.
Staffing Structure in ICTC (Stand Alone)

DSRC – 2 / Non-DSRC -8 (Designated STI/RTI) clinics functioning in Ariyalur District.
DSRC – 2 | Non-DSRC – 8 |
Blood Transfusion Services
- Blood Bank (BB)
- Blood Storage Centres/Units(BSC/BSU)
Blood Bank | Blood Storage |
Blood Bank
The Blood Bank Centre is a place specifically dedicated to blood collection, testing, Storage, distribution, etc…. function in Govt. Medical College Hospital, Ariyalur.
Basic Functions
- Recruitment of donors;
- Collection, processing, storage and distribution of blood and blood components;
- Conducting laboratory investigations;
- Participation in clinical use of blood and blood components;
- Teaching and training healthcare personnel involved in the programme and
- Organizing services.
Mandatory tests conducted by the Blood Bank is
- Blood Grouping & Types
- Antibody testing;
- Hemoglobin content;
- HIV I & II antibodies;
- Hepatitis B surface antigen;
- Hepatitis C antibody;
- Malaria parasite;
- Syphillis or VDRL
ART Centre / Legal AID Clinic (LAC)
The Government of India launched the free ART initiative on the 1st April, 2004. The Care, Support and Treatment (CST) needs of PLHIV vary with the stage of infection. An HIV-infected person remains asymptomatic for the first few years with the symptoms manifesting themselves after six to eight years. As immunity lessens, the person becomes susceptible to various Ols over time. At this stage, medical treatment and psycho-social support is needed. Access to prompt diagnosis and treatment of Ols ensures that PLHIV live longer and have a better quality of life. In our district, ART/LAC is functioning at Jayankondam(District Govt. Head Quarters Hospital).
NACP-I (1992-99)
Specific Objectives
- The involve all states and union territories in developing HIV/AIDS activities with a special focus on the major epicenters of the epidemic;
- To attain satisfactory levels of public awareness on HIV transmission;
- To develop health promotion interventions among High Risk Groups(HRGS);
- To screen all blood units collected for blood transfusions;
- To decrease the practice of professional blood donation;
- To develop skills in clinical management, health education and counseling;
- To develop psychosocial support to HIV positive persons, AIDS patients and their associates;
- To strengthen the control of Sexually Transmitted Infections(STIs) Reproductive Tract Infections(RTIs);
- To monitor the development of the HIV/AIDS epidemic in the country.
NACP-II (1999-2006)
Specific Objectives
- To shift the focus from raising awareness to changing behavior through interventions, particularly amongst High Risk Groups which contract and spread HIV;
- To Support the decentralization of service delivery to the states and municipalities and a new facilitating role for National AIDS Control Organization (NACO);
- To protect human rights by encouraging voluntary counseling and testing:
- To support structured and evidence-based annual reviews and on-goung operational research; and
- To encourage management reforms such as better-managed SACS and improved drug and equipment procurement practices.
The major aim of NACP-II was to reduce the spread of HIV infection and to strengthen India’s capacity to respond to HIV/AIDS in the long term.
NACP-III (2006-11)
GOALS: Halting and Reversing the HIV/AIDS epidemic in the country by 2012.
- Establishment of the DAPCU in NACP-III
NACP-IV (2012-17)
- NACP Phase-IV focuses on accelerating the reversal process and ensuring integration of the programme response.
- Reduce new infections by 50% (2007 baseline of NACP-III)
- Provide comprehensive care and support to all Persons Living with HIV/AIDS and treatment services for all those who require them.
GOAL: Accelerate reversal and integrate response
The govening body is chaired by the chairperson of the Zilla Parishad or District Collector (DC) and the executive body is chaired by the DC.
District AIDS Prevention and Control Committee
The DAPCC is constituted for effective ownership, monitoring, supervision and mainstreaming of NACP activities at the district level.
Contact Address
District Programme Manager,
District AIDS Prevention and Control Unit
Room No. 129, 1st Floor, District Collectorate,
Ariyalur – 621704.
Telephone No: 04329 228100