
Un-employed Youth Employment Generation Programme (UYEGP)

Date : 01/01/2020 -


To create employment opportunities to the marginalized sections of the society with financial assistance for a maximum project cost of Rs.10 lakhs for manufacturing activities, Rs.5 lakhs for service activities and Rs.5 lakhs for business activities.


  • Age should be between 18 years to 35 years for General Category and upto 45 years for Special Category comprising SC / ST / BC / MBC / Minority / Women / Ex-Servicemen / Differently Abled / Transgender.
  • Pass in VIII Standard.
  • Family income not exceeding Rs.5.00 lakhs per annum.

Highlights of the Scheme:

  • Promoter’s contribution is 10%of the project cost for General Category and 5% for Special Category of entrepreneurs.
  • Subsidy@25% of project cost (not exceeding Rs. 1.25 lakhs).
  • 7 days EDP training is mandatory for the selected beneficiaries. The selection of beneficiaries is through interview process by the District Task Force Committee that will be convened at least once in a fortnight.





How To Apply

The applicants aspiring to apply shall submit the application through online in the following website: